The supplement to the family tree from 1300 - 1436 looks probably as follows. I say “probably”, because there is much room for doubt due to the large number of names which the various persons had by which they were called.
Evert of Gevert van Doerne van de Pijnbroek ±1300
! . !
Balduinus Caperen Dircx van de Pijnbroek ±1325 . XX . . ! . ! . ! . ! XX Mechtildis Gevers van Doerne . ! . ! Goeswijn or Goessen (Marcelis) . ! . !
Goeswijn (Goessen) Her Caperen van de Pijnbroek (Marcelis Goeswijn Caperen Gevers)±1325 . ! . ! XX . ! . ! . ! XX . ! XX . . . Goeswijn (Goossens) Her Caperen Jutta van Doerne . ! . ! . ! . ! a. Jan Goeswijns Caperen b. Gevert Goeswijns (1380) . . . . . . . c. Marcelis Goeswijns zn. d. Jan Hendrikus Goeswijns zn. . . . . . . . . .
Joannes (Jan) Gosems van de Pijnbroek . XX . ! . ! . ! . ! . ! . ! . ! . XX . ! . ! . ! . ! . ! . ! . XX Iden (Catharina) Geverts van Doerne . ! . ! . ! . ! . ! a. Arnold (Marcel) Goes Cap . XX . XX . XX Jutta van Veldhoven . ! . ! b. Catharien Goes Cap c. Jan Goes Dircx Heijnen
Jan Goes Dircx Heijnen van de Pijnbroek . XX 1381 . ! . ! . ! . ! Catharina (Iden) van Doerne . ! a. Jan (or Willem) Goes Cap 1410 . . . b. Goessen Goes Cap 1412
Evert is the first van Doerne who appears in the “acte” in 1326. This is a legal document or contract. He is probably the ancestor, the forefather of the family Goessens - Goossens in Deurne. He is also called Balduin and Caputius or Caperen, as well as Caputius Dircx.
Balduinus, Evert or Gevert van Doerne’s son, alias Caputius Dircx, puts his seal upon the family name “Goossens”in Deurne from ±1300 until the present day. He is also called Goessens or Goessens-Gevers and, like his father, Caputius, Caputis, Capitis and Caperen. The origin of these names could not with certainty be determined. It is possible that they are derived from the Latin word “Caput”, which means “head or Leader”. Balduinus was sometimes given the title of “Chief”(or Boss). He is the same person as Willem van Doerne (or Gevers) and also as Arnold Heijnen. Willem van Doerne, - Balduinus Caperen- is Jutta van Doern’s father. Jutta was married to Goewijn Caperen who was the Duke’s steward in 1400. (below under #3)
Balduinus and Mechtildis (or Mechteld), his wife, had one child, a son, Marcelis or Goeswijn Caperen, also called Jan or Marcelis Goessen van de Pijnbroek. After Balduinus death, Mechteld married Gerit Gevers Goes, the son of Goes Caperen Dircx-Gevers, who again was the son of Jan de Dorre-Hartogs (1401). The name Gevers is hereafter used to indicate the family “van Doerne”, who later on became the “Heren (Lords) van Deurne”.
This Goeswijn or Goessen (also called Jan and Marcelis), was the son of Mechteld’s from her marriage to Balduinus (quondam Balduini). Like his father and grandfather he was called “van de Pijnbroek (or van de Pijnbroeck)”. He had many names, of which the most important were:
Gevert Goessen Caperen - Gevert Gevers Jan Goeswijn Heijnen Gevers - Goessen (Caperen) Heijnen Goeswijn Arnold Caperen - Goeswijn Hartogs Goeswinus Caperen Dircx Heijnen Gerit Goeswijn Dircx - Marcelis Goes Cap Marcel Heijnen - Marcelis Capitis (Kaberen) Marcell Goessen Heijnen Gevers Arnold Heijnen Dircx - Heijn Hartogs
Jan Goes Caperen Marcel van de Pijnbroek was the Duke’s steward and carried the title “Her” (Lord). After his marriage with Jutta was also called “Goeseijn van Doerne”.
Jutte is Willem van Doerne’s daughter. She must have been an illegitimate child of Willem, because she married Marcel who was the son of Willem (Balduinus and Mechteld. Since Marcel(is) is often called “Mechteld’s son, it is not impossible that he (Marcelis) was also an illegitimate child. If not, he married his sister, which is not very likely. Jutta had two illegitimate children with Jan van der Velden 1. Jan 2. Gosen of Willem
They must have been the adopted children from Jacobus van de Pijnbroek, alias van (de) Laken and Aleijdis Mannaert.
See below under “4”.
Gevert is also called “Hertogs”, as stated in one of the old documents: “Gevert sons Gevers is Gevert Goeswinus son. He is also called: Gevert Gevers - Gevert Goeswijns, Marcel’s son Evert Gevers Capren Hartog - Jan or Jan Heijnen. He was “Schepen” (Sheriff) in 1402 and also “Custor” (custodian/caretaker) of the Catholic church which was an official function appointed by the Hertog (Duke). That is why he was called “Her”.
Jan Gevert Geefs = Cap Hartog - Jan Goes Cap. He had a daughter, Iden or Yden, who was married to a Lussen.
Jan Hendrikus (Heijnen) van Doerne, and later also his natural sons and descendents received the function and title of “s Hartogs”. (the Duke’s). He is called “Caberen” (Caperen) and was the illegitimate son of Jan Hendriks van Doerne of Haanakker.
This Jan (see 3a) had various names. he was: Jan Heijnen de Dorre Jan de Dorre-Scheenkens, natural son of Haanakker Jan Hendriks van Doerne Jan (or Willem) van Veldhoven Jan Goes Cap, Marcel’s son Jan Goeswijns Caperen Jan Heijnen, Arnold & Jutta’s son Jan Goes Heijn Gevers - Jan Goes Dircx Heijnen Jan de Dorre Evers - Willem van der Velden Goeswijn (Willem) Capren Gevers Dircx Oedems Goes Caperen Dircx Gevers - Goes Heijnen van Dorre Goeswinus (Goessen) Gosems van de Pijnbroek Evert Gevers Caperen - Willem Gevert Geefs Hendricus Goes Cap. Gevers He lived later in his life in Leuven (Belgium)
Iden or Cathaarina or Elisabeth van Doerne was a daughter of Henricus van Doerne, alias Henricus (or Hendrik) Gevers, also called Proemen, who is the same person as Evert van Doerne. She is also called: Lijs or Elisabeth or Iden Hartogs Aleijdis (or Elisabeth or Lijs) van der Velden Catharina van der Velden Goessen a Campo (Campo is Latin for “van der Velden”).
Goes Cap is short for Goeswinus (Goessens) Caperen. He is: Arnold Goes Cap Gevers Swerts Arnold Goes Cap Dircx - Willem Hertogs Heijnen Willem Gevers - Gevert Geverts Swerts van Doerne Gevert Swerts Hartogs
Jutta is the daughter of Willem van Veldhoven
Catharien marries in 1381 Jan de Dorre Evers, who is Jan van der Velden see “5”
This is Jan van Veldhoven Jan de Dorre Scheenkens, Biological son of Haanakker Jan Gevert Goes Cap Dircx - Jan Goeswijns Caperen Jan Heijnen de Dorre - Willem van der Velden This is the same Jan who later moves to Leuven (Belgium) to spend his last days there.
Also called Catharina Geverts van Doerne
Joannes (Jan) Gosems van de Pijnbroek. He must be the adopted son of Jacobus van de Pijnbroek Alias van (de) Laken and Aleijdis Mannaert. He was supposedly an illegitimate child of Arnold Goes Cap. Dircx and Jutta van Veldhoven
This is Goeswinus (Goessen) Gosems van de Pijnbroek, a twin brother of Jan, above, also adopted by Jacobus van de Pijnbroek and Aleidis Mannaert.
With this Jacobus van de Pijnbroek and his and his wife Aleidius Mannaert and the two adopted children begins the pedigree of the “FAMILY GOOSSENS”.
Every beginning is difficult.